"Great places to bring people together,
keep and share memories about everything:
life, city, love, and of course nice food and drinks.
We love our city, Saigon,
where we all grew up and been fascinated by its beauty.
We want to spread this love through building the concepts
and connecting beautiful minds together.
Starting from 25 people to more than 400 of us now,
we are continually seeking ways
to make the city more colorful and lovable.
An ampersand, or the simple icon &,
represents the word “and”. So, what does “and” mean?
Connection, inclusion, addition, extension, oh and let us
add one more: togetherness - because that was why
we started Ampersand in the first place.
“People is the essential element behind every
success story” we carry that statement at heart
as we work together with great sincerity,
the same sincerity in the way we create our products,
the ingredients we choose, the packaging we make,
to the way we appreciate our customers
and partners.
Ampersand is a place where values aren't just words;
they're the guiding principles that shape our journey.